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Julian Chee - YoYo Player
Julian Chee - YoYo Player
- Julian Chee - YoYo Player
- Birthday: December 3rd
- Country: USA/Malaysia
- Preferred style: 1A
- Handed: Right
- Favorite Yoyo: BiND, Marco, and ND.
- Titles: 2X Malaysia National Yoyo Champion, 11th at AP 2018, 3X world Semifinalist, and 3rd at United Yoyo Contest 2019.
Biography: I received my very first yoyo (YoYoFactory FAST 201) during Christmas 2005. I had a few throws and that was about it. 9 years later (mid-2014), I watched a viral video of Kazuya Murata and I decided to start again. Coincidently, a yoyo store opened near my home and I started hanging out with the local community. Everything fell into place, I learned at an incredible rate thanks to the amazing community. The yoyo community has been helping me ever since, and I managed to take 2nd place at my first contest (Central Regional 2015). Soon after, Paul Kerbel and Ben welcomed me into YoYoFactory (Team Horizon). 2 years later (2017), I won my first national contest (Malaysia) and ran it back the following year. Since then, I’ve been to competitions around the world, made lifelong friends, and shared unforgettable experiences. My next goal is to make it into finals at the US National Yoyo Contest, and the World Yoyo Contest. I currently live in a city called Wichita, which is in Kansas, as I’m studying aerospace engineering. In my free time, I love to play musical instruments, take photographs, watch films, read Star Wars books/comics, design paper aircrafts, occasionally build rockets for the university rocket club, and browse dank memes. Shoutout to the Malaysian yoyo community, Nate Dailey, Paul Kerbel, Polo, Kacper, and Clint. ibs is the best *mic drop*.