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Biggest Boxing Day BOX
Biggest Boxing Day BOX
Crickey we have a deal for you. It’s Better than Maple Syrup on a crumpet!
It’s Boxing Day!
5 yo-yos in a 4 yo-yo case!
here’s the BoX breakdown
bullseye: finger-spin unresponsive yo-yo $34.99
bimetal: the power and balance of steel rims $59.99
heist: mini Steel pocket fun $59.99
Nine Dragons: say no more, there is only one! $74.99
superstar: Metal Hubstack fun $59.99
10strings $4.99
case: $15
usa upgraded expedited shipping- no excess ship costs rest of world $10
six Penny’s off $320
but.. this is a limited deal. no restocks. Colors may vary but I think it’s pretty close to what’s shown.
Canada, remember it’s GST free currently too!